You are great at functioning, mostly for others. And often you feel stressed and overwhelmed. You feel as if you’ve lost yourself between your job, children, partnership and the household. The shoes you’ve been wearing for so many years - they don’t fit anymore.
- You want to take off those painful shoes and feel the ground, feel alive again.
- You want to feel happy and fulfilled.
- You want to feel valuable, no matter what you do and how productive you are.
- You want to feel peaceful and relaxed.
You rush from one commitment to the next. You live a life on the edge with no time to breathe. You feel tense. You love your yoga class and the relaxation it brings, but it doesn't last for long. You feel easily irritated and at the same time tired and depleted.
You feel unhappy despite having it all.

Is This You?

Becoming YOU!
You want to feel grateful and have a long list of things you love about your life - but is it ok to crave for even more? For fulfilment, purpose and calm?
Some will tell you that life is like that. And that you should just relax. They are wrong. There is something much better than this.
Tanja's Story
I have become much more self-confident and trust myself and my abilities. I have stopped constantly questioning and criticizing myself.
I am so much more in the flow, both in my business and in my personal life. I feel relaxed and tackle the things that really matter to me with confidence and courage.
I have understood that it is not "the outside" or "the others" who determine my life, but I, myself and that my own decisions are the key to the life I want to live.
- Tanja Longerich -

What You Don't Need
You don't need additional mindfulness meditation.
You don't need additional training.
You don't need someone to search the past with you for explanations.
You don’t need to be fixed.
What You Need & Deserve
You need someone to help you come back into your balance.
You need someone who helps you to let go of the things that don't serve you anymore.
Someone who invokes in you clarity of what you really, really want.
Someone who guides you to really like being you.
And you need it now.

My Name is Judith Peters.
I'm an understanding yet constructive Life Coach
After years of working in the corporate world and having success, I had a pull for more. This was uncomfortable at first but once I started to follow my longing, life started to open up for me...

My Story
For many years I didn’t know who I was. Honestly, I suffered a lot! Emotionally and physically. I felt wrong for some reason. Something was missing. When I became a mother, this longing was mixed up with feelings of guilt. Guilty that I’m not happy and fulfilled - I still had these miserable feelings and pain was still part of my reality.
I did a lot of inner work and healing work. Just as I was in my everyday life, I was hardworking, striving, and diligent. I was a good client, doing what I thought needed to be done. A lot shifted but it didn’t prevent me from a huge crisis some years ago that accelerated my process.
In this storm, I finally found THE essential key: the feminine! This was a game changer! I started my journey to find my true self. I discovered what it means to be a woman and I learned how to integrate feminine qualities into my busy life. I learned to trust my inner knowing, my intuition and I fell in love with me.
Becoming Me

For many years I've been an expert in facilitating business transformations and working with groups.
I followed my longing and certified as a coach twice - I’m a certified soul-based coach and a certified systemic coach.
My purpose is to support women like you in the midst of the hustle and bustle of everyday life who long for balance, inner clarity and connection with themselves so that they feel more alive, balanced and trust in themselves and their power.
My wish for you is that self-love is no longer a concept but like standing in a shower of delicious golden light you don’t want to miss a single day.
with me, Judith Peters.

Becoming YOU
Becoming YOU is a 4-month deep dive, so you find balance, self-love and clarity to create the life you long for.
It is your unique journey from Overwhelm to Peace.
You’ll have me as your personal guide to support you. After our time together you’ll have:
New perspectives and insights that you never thought possible so that you feel empowered and self-confident
Much more balance so that you feel calm and peaceful even in challenging situations
Clarity about what you really, really want so that you feel absolutely clear about the steps to take
More self-love towards yourself, feeling cosy and safe so that your relationships flourish
Transformed old patterns and beliefs that held you back so that you feel liberated and powerful
Learned to trust yourself so that you feel confident finding answers to all challenges that will come your way
A backpack full of resources that are uniquely yours so that you feel ease and joy navigating your life

Is Becoming YOU right for me?
This program is perfect for you if...
You’re a woman wanting to feel fulfilled and balanced
You want to make real and lasting changes in your life
You don’t want to waste any more time being stuck in your thoughts
You want to break free from the patterns and beliefs that are holding you back
You want to live your life with confidence and clarity
You want to make choices that are fully aligned with who you really are

This is Me!
Book a Call and let’s talk about Becoming YOU
Becoming YOU is NOT right for you if…
Are convinced that your life would be so much better if only the others around you would change.
Want your coach to tell you what to do and how to live your life.
Want to stick to the surface and you’re not ready to dig deeper.
Are not willing to invest time and energy in yourself.

Becoming YOU is a personalised 1:1 coaching programme
tailored just for you,
where you receive:
An initial 30minute vision call
12 coaching sessions (60 minutes each)
Personalised inspirations to deepen your understanding
My support in creating a daily self-care practice you’ll love
Voice message/email access to support you on your journey
3 group sessions in an intimate group of women
Your unique Human Design reading

This programme is currently offered for just: 495€ per month
You can pay in full 1.800€.
Sonia's Journey
I am totally blown away by the effect of working with you! I came into the first session with stomach pain. Through the sessions I was able to resolve the physical discomfort. Working with the inner images triggered deep healing processes for me. Judith has this wonderful way of lovingly approaching and guiding one with great clarity and depth.
We got to essential issues in a very short time and in a direct way. I am very connected to the images we worked on and they give me strength every day. Many things have come back into flow that were previously stagnant. I am reconnected with myself and also with my husband. I no longer rush from one topic to the next, but consciously decide where I want to direct my attention. This feels powerful and creates better results.
Judith's offer is a wonderful space to look at your own essential issues - especially when you don't know what to do, when you want to get back in good contact with yourself, when you need to take the next step in your development or simply when you realize something is missing but you can't put it into words yet.
- Sonia Reinhardt -
The Ingredients of
Becoming YOU
1:1 Coaching Sessions
You have clarity around what you really, really want and need. You have easily transformed old patterns and beliefs so you can create an authentic life which is truly aligned with who you are.
Included are:
1 vision call (30 minutes)
12 soul-based coaching sessions
60 minutes each
Group Sessions
You awaken your body and mind in a feminine gentle way so you feel connected, grounded and whole.
Included are:
3 sessions in an intimate group of women
90 minutes each

Support between the sessions
You know that I am here for you, supporting you in the best and safest way so you feel held, safe and seen
We connect through voicemail or email
Daily self-care practice
You have a daily self-care practice that fits your needs and that you love to do. You establish the connection to your body and your intuition and use it as a powerful resource to navigate your daily life in a gentle and loving way.
The feminine way of meditations
Embodiment practices
Practices in nature

Human Design Reading
You gain clarity about who you are and what your hidden potentials are. You learn how to embody your energy, so your life and relationships feel fulfilling instead of exhausting.
To know about your Human Design helps you to live in your unique energy – to be you as you were meant to be.
Personal Human Design Reading

Lisa's Transformation
I experienced that everything lies within myself: all the answers, all the knowledge, everything it takes, even trust and confidence. Many blockades and resistances have left me. I have started more and more to listen to my own intuition with full attention.
The sessions were full of insights. It is so much fun to really dive into one's own inner self and discover the treasures that otherwise remain hidden from us. Judith's present and calm way always radiated calmness and security. It was very easy for me to open up and trust the process.
- Lisa Pertagnol -
After our time together you will:
Feel empowered and self-confident.
Have balance in your life enabling you to comfortably handle challenging situations whenever they arise.
Have clarity! You will be clear about your next steps to take.
Finally experience a sense of self-love, allowing relationships to flourish.
Feel liberated and powerful as you finally let go of old patterns of belief.
Have the confidence and trust in yourself that you have been seeking. No more self-doubt.
Have your own internal compass for navigating your life, your experiences, and your personal journey in the direction in which you want to go.
My promise to you

Becoming YOU
Becoming YOU is a 4-month deep dive and supports women like you in the midst of the hustle and bustle of everyday life so you find balance, self-love and clarity to create the life you long for.
It is your unique journey from Overwhelm to Peace.
Becoming YOU Includes:
● A strong 4-month container to help you from overwhelm to peace
● 1 vision call (value 140 €)
● 12 soul-based coaching sessions (value 1.860€)
● Support via voicemail (value 300 €)
● Building a daily self-care practice you’ll love (invaluable)
● Powerful questions that will lead you to deeper layers of your knowledge (invaluable)
● My full attention during our sessions (priceless)
● A safe space where you are seen, heard and held (invaluable)
● A personal Human Design Reading (value 220€)
● In-person group sessions in an intimate group of women in Cologne (value 180 €)

Frequently Asked Questions
Here I answer the most common FAQ's
Why is it 4 months?Lasting change and transformation need time. It's not a linear thing like turning on and off a light switch. It's a process of unfolding, which is uniquely yours. Within 4 months we can do some really deep work so that you don't need to rush through.
I’m busy - how much time will I need to commit?Yes, I know you are! I feel you! Our 1:1 sessions are 60 minutes each. Please allow another 10-15 minutes at the end so that you don't rush to the next thing on your list. Take some time to rest and integrate what you've experienced. The monthly group sessions last 90 minutes and they will be recorded if you are not able to participate. I highly recommend to join live. The energy in these sessions will nourish you and give you calm, peace and connection. Please allow yourself at least 10 minutes per day so that you establish a daily self care practice. If you invest more than 10 minutes, perfect! But don't put pressure on your shoulders. 10 minutes every day will create a huge difference. The key is to do it regularly. I suggest you come to this experience with an open heart, mind and will. Don’t measure it by time, invest in this program will change your life and you are about to give yourself time and attention. This in itself is already a great thing to do! Life is too short to not follow the longings that call you. Are you ready?
What is soul-based coaching?Soul-based coaching is a powerful and transformative process that fully supports and honors your uniqueness! It is a holistic way of creating sustainable change - it includes your body and its wisdom, your emotions, the insights of your mind and the guidance of your soul. Soul-based Coaching is a tried and tested methodology that combines proven new techniques with ancient wisdom about Holding Space and change. As a certified soul-based coach I'm a midwife for your change process. In our 1:1 sessions I help you tap into your deepest knowing, so that you gain clarity on the longings that call you. We work with your own personal metaphors. You don’t need to be aware of them yet. I will guide you to your unique metaphors so that even if you consider yourself as a rational mind, this work is for you! By doing this work your inner world rewires itself for the changes you want. By a changed perspective, a new way of thinking and feeling, you will find a new way of taking action. And alongside this, your changed energy frequency acts as a magnet for what you want to bring into your life - manifestation at it's best!
How am I supported?Becoming YOU meets you exactly where you are. Each month we meet three weeks in a row via Zoom for the 1:1 sessions. The 4th week is designed as an integration week where we meet in the circle for a group session. Between the sessions you have access to me through voice messages or email for those times when you need additional support or have questions. My aim is that you feel fully supported on your transformative journey.
I’m a very rational person, can I really get results from this?Great, so am I! This is why you are here, reading these lines. And there is also a part next to your rational mind that is tickling you right now. A part that knows that there is more - more wisdom, knowledge, guidance. Plus you are at a point in your life where you have realized that you cannot face and solve your current challenges with your rational mind. Albert Einstein once said, "You can't solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it." With me as your guide you will have someone who combines structure and intellectual thinking with a strong intuition. I guide you to deeper layers that offer valuable insights and create sustainable change.
How soon can I expect to get results?This varies for every woman. Any kind of change is not like ordering a pizza where you know what you will get and when. And it also depends on your commitment. When you choose to make this investment in yourself and fully engage in the whole process then your transformation is inevitable.
This sounds great, but I'll get to it later.There are only five spots available so that I can fully support each woman. The cart is closing by 31.03.2023. The next opportunity to work with me will not be before August 2023. Becoming YOU is currently offered for just 2.600 €. It is incredible value and an introductory offer. When I open up spaces again, the investment will be higher. Like many women, you most likely have a lifetime’s experience in prioritising other people’s needs over your own. Take a look at feedback from one of my recent clients: TESTIMONIAL: Working with Judith is great! It feels like a restructuring from the inside out that happens very easily. My focus has shifted from "not wanting something" to "wanting something just so". As a result, I have become clear about my own needs and what I want and need. This is a great gift for me! Judith guides you through the process with great empathy and ease. Through her ability to really listen, I feel seen and that touches me deeply. - Sabine Mooshuber - It's time to ask yourself, “If not now, when?”
Irina's Self Discovery
I became aware of things and connections that I had never perceived in this way before. The images and insights that emerged in me during the coaching led to great changes in my life. It was as if the sessions had transformed some issues as if by themselves and I was able to take steps that were not possible for me before.
Judith creates a wonderful, protected space in which I came into very healing contact with hidden beliefs and feelings that finally wanted to be felt. It was especially important for me to have found a new, loving, softer way of dealing with myself and my emotions.
I am very grateful for every single session, and I am glad that Judith continues to support me on my way.
- Irina Bartmann -
AND finally...
If you have read this far, something has tickled your soul and is calling you to take the next step.
I invite you to ask yourself, what would it take to finally say YES to yourself; to choose YOU and step into the woman that you’re longing to be?
It is my pleasure to be your guide for this next stage of your becoming and to witness to your transformation.